Come along and see Class 8’s performance “Wonder Words” – a production showing the contrast between everyday life and a comical …

<div>Come along and see Class 8's performance " title="
Come along and see Class 8's performance "Wonder Words" - a production showing the contrast between everyday life and a comical ...
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Come along and see Class 8’s performance “Wonder Words” – a production showing the contrast between everyday life and a comical and surreal, imaginary world.
⚡️29th & 30th of June at 7pm.⚡️
Buy tickets at

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Come along and see Class 8’s performance “Wonder Words” – a production showing the contrast between everyday life and a comical …

<div>Come along and see Class 8's performance " title="
Come along and see Class 8's performance "Wonder Words" - a production showing the contrast between everyday life and a comical ...
" decoding="async" />
Come along and see Class 8’s performance “Wonder Words” – a production showing the contrast between everyday life and a comical and surreal, imaginary world.
⚡️29th & 30th of June at 7pm.⚡️
Buy tickets at

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